洞察力 2023年5月22日

6 ways to reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint

超过一半的英国大型组织承诺到2050年消除碳排放*, there’s growing momentum to reduce our collective carbon footprint. 气候危机, and the recognised impact of global warming, have moved sustainability and the environment to the top of the agenda. Most organisations are going to great lengths to reduce their 碳排放 and the UK has become a leader in decarbonisation and sustainable practices.

*来源: Department for 业务, Energy and Industrial Strategy

So, what is decarbonisation and why is it important?

Our modern society produces a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2): much more than is produced naturally. Scientific research confirms that it’s this excess CO2 是什么使大气水平失衡,导致全球气温上升. 几十年来,科学家们一直在警告我们,现在我们必须采取行动,减少碳排放,这是当务之急.

脱碳 is the term used for the removal or reduction of CO2 释放到大气中. 碳排放, 哪些已经发布了, can be balanced out by capturing the same amount of CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in a ‘carbon pool’. This process is known as ‘carbon sequestration’.

Wind turbines and 太阳能 panels against a setting sun
气候危机 has moved sustainability to the top of the business agenda

完全消除碳排放被称为“碳中和”或“净零”。. 这种难以实现的地位需要仔细的规划和研究,以便为任何组织提供正确的战略. 它影响着从如何管理设施到方方面面的决策, 您的材料和工艺, 到物流和运输, 以及与哪些供应商合作.

There are things organisations can do to reduce CO2 排放 produced by daily operations. 继续往下读,看看你的组织如何减少碳足迹.

6 ways to reduce your organisation’s 碳排放


The first thing to do is to make the most of what you have. 确保建筑物控制和供暖系统得到适当维护和微调,以达到最佳性能.

老旧的供暖系统效率特别低,经常需要升级或更换. 如果这是不可能的,还有其他方法来优化供暖系统和减少能源浪费.

空间的使用和占用可以通过连接到楼宇管理系统(BMS)的传感器进行监控。. 这使得设施管理人员可以在不使用时关掉或关闭暖气. 同样,门窗传感器也可以在特定场景下触发告警. 例如, if the heating is on and the window or door is left open, BMS警报可以指示建筑物中热量从哪里逸出,以便采取行动.



切换到LED照明不仅可以减少能源使用和成本,还可以降低你的CO2 排放. 和, 通过远程监控建筑物占用情况和控制不经常使用的区域的灯光, smart sensors can contribute to 能源 savings and carbon reduction.

Switching to LED lighting cuts 能源 usage and costs


可再生能源, 包括风力发电, 太阳能, 水电, 地热和生物能源, 是否变得更容易获得, 访问和, 在某些情况下, 更便宜.

There’s a growing demand for renewable 能源 solutions. 太阳能光伏发电(pv)是建筑环境中最先进的可再生技术之一. 据英国太阳能公司称,仅在英国,太阳能发电量就刚刚超过14GW. 如果我们要在2050年实现净零经济,到2030年至少需要达到40GW.

太阳能光伏成本的下降, 以及性能的提高, should go a long way to helping us to achieve our goals, 和, 在Mitie, 我们的太阳能专家 通过提供完整的澳博官方网站,帮助企业找到正确的能源解决方案, from design and delivery to monitoring and maintenance.


There are millions of cars on the roads globally. 不幸的是气候, 内燃机是造成全球变暖的最大单一因素之一. According to an 国际 Energy Agency report on global CO2 排放 produced by the transport sector, 39%来自乘用车,另外23%来自中型和重型货车.

Electric vehicle (EV) 科技nology has advanced hugely over the last decade, 电动汽车现在是传统汽油和柴油发动机的现实可行的替代品.

Mitie的运输顾问团队,结合我们的内部能力 提供高压澳博官方网站, are helping customers transition to EV and significant 碳排放. Our teams will first analyse the vehicle fleet and 环境、社会和治理 goals, 然后与你密切合作进行设计, build and install the EV charging infrastructure you will need.

在Mitie,我们言行一致. 作为我们零净战略的一部分, we’ve so far converted over 45% of our vehicle fleet to zero emission EVs. With more than 3000 EVs on the road we have 英国最大的电动汽车车队之一*, generating annual savings of around 10,000 tonnes of CO2 每年.




对于大多数组织来说,供暖系统通常是脱碳之路的一个好起点. 转向低碳替代品, 比如热泵, 这是一种改善能源消耗的好方法吗?它有助于你的组织的房地产脱碳吗.

在Mitie,我们的能源团队与客户密切合作,将化石燃料从平衡中剔除 使他们的供暖脱碳 by switching from gas boilers to better heating and cooling solutions.

Mitie engineer servicing heat pumps and air conditioning units on a roof


When it comes to reducing your organisation’s carbon footprint, 在你的脱碳之旅中,供应商的选择和你自己的活动一样重要. This is referred to as Scope 3 排放. 选择以对环境负责的方式与供应商合作,并将推动供应链中的碳减排作为您的业务.

在Mitie, we have ambitious plans to reach net zero 碳排放 by 2025, for our operational 排放 (Scope 1 and 2). By 2035, we aim to reach net zero for Scope 3 排放, which covers things that are more difficult to control, like our supply chain and the employee commute. We’re well on our way to reaching our targets. We’re also on a mission to help our customers, and the wider 行业, 加速实现净零排放.

How can Mitie help your organisation reduce its carbon footprint?

减少碳排放是一个复杂的过程,没有标准的解决方案可以让你的组织脱碳. 就快速结果和投资回报而言,在最佳措施上获得专家建议可以带来真正的红利.

As one of the UK’s largest facilities management companies, with an in-house team of 能源 consultants, Mitie offers solid expertise in this rapidly changing sector. We’re recognised as an appointed supplier on frameworks including the 净零碳交付框架.

Our teams are specialists in renewable 能源, 浪费资源, sustainable transport and infrastructure. There is a science to the decarbonisation process, 我们将创新与数据的智能使用相结合,为客户带来积极影响.

挑战我们的客户, setting ambitious targets and developing practical 能源 strategies, we help them get to decarbonisation faster.

问现在 to see how Mitie can support your organisation on the path to net zero.

